Tips and Trick for your patient portal
/Tips and Trick for using the Patient Portal
1. You will receive and email from that will allow you to register your portal account ( you may have to check you junk folder)
2. Create a username for yourself that is not an email address.
3. The portal does not go automatically load all your past information so if there is something you would like to see in there you need to let us know.
4. Within the messaging tab, both the inbox or the sent messages, you can find a button that says compose that allows you to send us a message.
5. In the Health Record tab you can find a medication list and a shot record
6. When we send you a message with lab work or documents attached you can view these by clicking on the link that is within the last line of the heading you will see above the message
7. Using the portal is the most efficient way for you to get lab results and non -urgent questions answered.
8. The website to access the portal is and a link can also be found on our website